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How do you choose a video surveillance system in a noisy and fast-evolving market?
The video surveillance market is crowded, complicated and confusing. Countless players have emerged offering products that appear to be similar. The inflection of artificial intelligence with the advent of ChatGPT has added a new layer of complexity as organizations consider the role AI will play in their next video surveillance system.
You could spend months evaluating these options and navigating this complexity, but you shouldn’t. This guide will cut through the noise and break down the considerations when thinking about how to select your next system.

The evolution of video surveillance: 2000s-2020s
The video surveillance market has gone through several transformations since the early 2000s. DVRs to NVRs, cloud camera to cloud NVR, and now the AI Camera System, technological advancements have taken us from an analog age to a digital age. Now cloud capabilities are expected the power of AI for video surveillance and understanding what’s possible for a video surveillance system is finally beginning to be realized.
AI: The next evolution of video surveillance
There are over one billion security cameras in the world now, over double the number of cameras there were in 2015. Security camera systems are longer limited to reactive use by just security or IT. With AI, security camera systems are rapidly moving from a reactive tool to becoming powerful proactive tools, preventing incidents from happening in the first place. From business security cameras to school security camera systems, every organization wants insights and analytics from video data to support their day-to-day objectives.
How the needs of IT and security teams are evolving
Video use is no longer limited to reactive use by just security or IT. Professionals across the organization are using their video surveillance system in their day-to-day work with AI powered workflows. When considering which security camera software and security camera system is the right fit for your organization, you should evaluate how your organization uses cameras today and how they will use cameras in the near future.
Selecting the best cameras
An important part of selecting the best security camera system is selecting the right cameras. There are a variety of camera types to choose from - from 2MP and 5MP to 4k security cameras or an AI camera. The cameras you need can vary based on specific location and use case. It’s common to have different camera types in the same vicinity.
Evaluating AI options for your organization
As innovation in AI is accelerating, more vendors that sell IP cameras and Cloud Cameras or Cloud NVRs are attempting to retrofit AI into their products. Many vendors may seem to have similar products. In this landscape, it’s useful to understand the differences underneath the marketing so you can decide which vendors align most with the needs of your users—and figure out what’s the best fit for your needs.
Cybersecurity standards in today’s world
The internet is a vast and interconnected network, making it susceptible to a wide range of threats. The challenge for a video surveillance system is that most cameras are not secure, in fact, nearly all cameras stream unencrypted traffic natively. And connecting those cameras to the cloud is even more dangerous. It’s important to counter these issues with zero trust security, where trust is never assumed, even within a trusted network environment.
Making the right choice: Implications for IT and security
As security cameras have proliferated in the workplace, managing security systems has transitioned from being a one-time set-and-forget for IT to an ongoing commitment. As the need to access and retrieve video increases in frequency, these demands on IT are only intensifying. From choosing the right camera with cloud storage to figuring out cloud security camera storage or understanding the latest in AI surveillance software, finding the best security camera system for an organization is critical.
TCO Implications: Finding hidden costs in your camera system
Whether purchasing cloud cameras, cloud NVRs, cloud security camera storage, or an AI Camera System, total cost of ownership of your next security camera system is top of mind for IT and security leaders. Understanding the potential of cameras, software, hardware, AI capabilities, network bandwidth, installation, and more allows you to make the right decision for your business or organization.