Just two simple connections — ethernet and power. Spot Genius auto-discovers all cameras on network.
No need to be on site. Add all cameras at a location in under 10 minutes from anywhere.
Tom Gordon
Property Administration, Bridge33 Capital
We want to make your video accessible and useful for you in seconds. Try Spot AI for a 15 day no-commitment trial and experience just how simple it is. You’ll never look back.
Fast shipping + 10 minutes install + live human support
Spot integrates seamlessly with your NVR and VMS without requiring changes to your network. We pull a secondary stream from your cameras or connect directly to your NVR — but keep in mind that adding these streams will count toward your camera license.
Spot AI requires no inbound ports to be opened on your firewall in order to work. Spot AI’s dashboard will guide you through the installation process to make sure the necessary outbound ports are opened.
Virtual network interface / dual NICs
No! Our software has a built-in VPN that’s purpose-built for efficient delivery of video. It sets up automatically when a user accesses video remotely.
Your users login to dashboard.spotai.co from any browser on any device. No need to install any app, download any plug-ins or memorize IP addresses.
We support all major SSO services / technologies (G-Suite, Office365, Azure-AD, SAML). These can be enabled with one-click when provisioning a user account.
As many as you want! And you can assign feature and camera level permissions in line with your business policies.
Yes! Once you’ve plugged in a new camera or Spot AI NVR, you can onboard it to your dashboard in less than a minute. Our software load-balances requirements between all NVRs on the network so you don’t need to worry about resource management.