Spot AI Dashboard
Built for everyone in every business.
Unlimited cloud backup of saved clips
Role-based access control
Dedicated onboarding, training and support
Unlimited users
Automatic software updates every two weeks
The power of video footage is tied to the power of great software, not hardware. With great software, you should be able to use any camera you want at a price that makes sense. We don't believe in charging our customers insanely high prices for antiquated hardware. Use our cameras or any that you want to see the power of video intelligence.
As many as you'd like! Spot AI doesn't charge based on users. Our goal is to provide you all of the tools needed for you and your team to operate your business with easy to use visual context.
Of course! Spot AI provides white glove training, onboarding, and ongoing support to all of our customers. Within minutes of your training, you'll be a pro at using the Spot AI Camera System!
Looking for new cameras? Own ours for free with software license.
2-day shipping
Available coast-to-coast. Get your new camera system, fast.