


Why Manufacturers are Using Video Footage for more than Video Security

Video footage has historically been utilized only sporadically by businesses in manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation industries. Unfortunately, accessing and obtaining footage has often been a difficult and time-consuming process, due to the need for multiple log ins for different systems across locations, the usage of clunky software, and outdated hardware.


Matt Klingbeil



5 minute read

Video footage has historically been utilized only sporadically by businesses in manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation industries. Unfortunately, accessing and obtaining footage has often been a difficult and time-consuming process, due to the need for multiple log ins for different systems across locations, the usage of clunky software, and outdated hardware.


How Video Intelligence Changes Manufacturing

Spot AI CEO and Co-Founder, Tanuj Thapliyal, believes that Video Intelligence can transform how businesses use their video footage saying, “The more people you give access to video to, the more it transforms that organization.”“From a company culture perspective, you need there to be a belief in education, a belief in learning, a belief in sharing knowledge with other people.”“You have to empower customers to keep the data where they want to keep the data, but enable them to solve the workflow and then enable a switch so they can revoke access.”

Listen to Tanuj and Chris Luecke of The Manufacturing Happy Hour talk about how Spot AI helps businesses gain access to their video footage securely, the future of Video Intelligence, and how that is helping businesses achieve better productivity and efficiencies.

Increased Usage of Video Footage in Manufacturing

This has made the jobs of IT teams significantly harder, as they are challenged with the arduous task of having to work with multiple systems and software versions, as well as outdated hardware. This can cause extra time and effort to be put into a single project, as teams have to ensure that all of the different components are in line with each other. As a result, the process of accessing and obtaining footage can be unnecessarily complex and tedious.

The sheer magnitude of the issues associated with finding, accessing and utilizing video footage has been a major obstacle for businesses for many years. However, recent developments in AI technology have made it much simpler to obtain the necessary footage and access the data with relative ease. This has enabled businesses to make use of the footage more frequently and in a more efficient manner, thus helping to streamline processes and improve overall operations.

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