With Spot, Ohi is able to increase efficiency and productivity while expanding its footprint across the United States.
Warehouses & Manufacturing
New York, NY
About Ohi
Ohi is an instant commerce platform that helps Direct-to-Consumer brands provide consumers with Amazon-Prime-like same day delivery. Ohi operates in major metropolitan regions across the US and is rapidly growing into new markets. Ben Jones is the Founder and CEO of Ohi.
With delivery windows as short as two hours, Ohi’s fulfillment operations must function like clockwork. Jones and his team are constantly finding ways to improve operations and enhance productivity across sites, and wanted to bring all their security cameras onto a single dashboard to monitor their various locations from anywhere in real-time.
“Spot AI is the first system we set up at a new location and we’re looking forward to integrating Spot AI’s technology across other sites as we expand.”
Ben Jones
Founder and CEO, Ohi
Problem #1
Ohi is rapidly expanding its location count, offering its customers access to consumers in multiple cities across the country. However, Jones didn’t find a security solution that offered similar scalability. Jones’ team had to trade off between ease of use and enterprise grade functionality that was essential to using cameras effectively.
“Each of our locations have different camera brands, usually pre-installed by the owner or previous occupant. As CEO, I have no easy way to get a comprehensive view of my operations and see how things are running.”
Solution #1
With Spot AI, Jones is able to get a real-time view of his locations from any device, anywhere - whether it’s checking on shipments being delivered or how operations are running on busy days. With video walls, Jones can monitor the same process across multiple locations side-by-side on the same screen. With Spot AI, Jones has been able to detect problems that he would never have otherwise.
“Spot AI allows me to get real-time visibility across my operations. I start and end my day looking at all my sites on Spot AI.”
Problem #2
Security of inventory is Jones’ top priority. Being a fast growing company, his warehouse operations need to ramp up as soon as they’re open. And in a fast changing environment, Ohi’s network has to respond to customer needs which means that they need to add and move locations to better service their customers. So that makes it difficult for Jones to invest money in replacing the camera system installed by the owners.
“When we set up a new site, security is a must. But as we grow rapidly, we don’t have weeks to get new cameras installed.”
Solution #2
Jones is able to use Spot AI to plug into the camera system installed by the owners - no matter what brand of cameras they have. A simple setup involving just 2 cables ensures that Jones’ team on the ground is able to get the system running instantly. This allows Jones to get access to security footage the same day as the new warehouse is opened. At their most recent facility opening in San Francisco, Jones’ team was able to use Spot to direct a remote set-up with no full-time employee on-ground.
“Spot AI has been remarkably easy for my team to set-up. We can now get instant visibility into new locations we set up.”
Problem #3
Jones has to scale locations while constantly monitoring and improving service levels at each location. Difficult-to-use and poorly designed search features make it difficult to use security cameras to diagnose efficiency and safety issues that are preventing Jones’ team from unlocking new levels of operational excellence.
“Our success is dependent on being able to offer superior levels of service.”
Solution #3
With alerts for motion, Jones’ team is able to self-monitor the warehouse 24x7 and respond immediately to incidents. Zone based motion search allows Jones’ on-ground team to trace the location of packages, monitor employee efficiency and diagnose incidents. When Jones picks up on something that’s amiss, he’s able to instantly share clips with his warehouse manager who’s on-site to look into it immediately.
“We’re now much better equipped to keep improving our operations and resolve issues for our customers”
Ben Jones
Founder and CEO, Ohi
We want to make your video accessible and useful for you in seconds. Try Spot AI for a 15 day no-commitment trial and experience just how simple it is. You’ll never look back.
Fast shipping + 10 minutes install + live human support